If you are puzzled by the title of this post; then you are lost, lost to me, and ignorant of the world we live in. If you see the title and pretend to be puzzled then you are the problem.
So, today was my standing golf with the guys day. While my group was waiting for our opposing group to finish we had to time to talk. As soon as it turned to the election results I went into assertive mode. While, for as long as I can remember my default mode was to reason, reasoning these days is never sucessful. No one can be swayed from their position, facts don't matter to the Commies who are threatening to take power and put an end to the American dream.
I piped up with the truth. The election was stolen. The lefty Democrat communists stole the election. Trump did win. If Trump isn't re-elected the commies will completely ruin my country. And, if they take charge I will not be allowed to say what I just said.
If I'd been asked why I wasn't saying this a few weeks ago, before the "vote", I would have responded that I knew then that nothing anyone could say would awaken the masses who still believe their old Party exists. And, we didn't need them anyway if the election is honest Trump wins without them.