I've spent too many nights trying to get my pro-abortion sister to accept that abortion did kill babies. This new movie, showing in selected theaters, enhances my argument. Not that it would ever change her mind. I don't even ask that she disapprove of abortion, just that she admit the obvious; they are babies.
October Baby...is a film about Hannah, a 19 year old girl who discovers she was adopted after surviving a botched abortion. Along with some friends she sets out on a quest to discover her birth mother.On a further political point, Obama would have had this film's character killed. No, really, he legislated it to be so.
Jason Burkey, the lead actor who plays Hannah’s lifelong friend Jason Bradley, told the Gazette that while there were times they wondered if the film would ever be made, it was an enlightening experience for him.
“Prior to reading the script, I never knew there was such a thing as abortion survivors,” Burkey said. “I didn't realize those two words went together. And Jon wasn't either until he met an abortion survivor and heard her speak. He was floored by her story and that is what inspired him to produce the film.”
While the film’s character survived an abortion, it is fortunate the character was not born during the time Obama was a state senator in Illinois.
During his time in the Illinois legislature, a bill was introduced that would have given children such as Hannah and Jesson legal protections including the right to medical care. The reasoning was the woman’s right to choose ended once the child was born.
However, Obama opposed the bill on the grounds that it would place an “undue burden on the mother.” The reasoning among abortion supporters is that, since the choice to kill the baby was made prior to it being born, that choice should be honored even if the baby survived.
Nurses have reported they were ordered to take these living children into a dark room and leave them alone to die.
Burkey acknowledged the film could draw attention to the issue of Obama supporting what Newt Gingrich called “infanticide,” however, he said that was not the intent of the film.
“We knew that the topic of abortion survivors is an important issue and that it would stir up some things on both sides of the issue, however, we didn't time it to be released to coincide with the November elections, it just happened to be that way,” Burkey said. “The goal from the outset was to tell a powerful character driven story that just happens to be about an abortion survivor which is a very real thing. This is a very crucial time for it to come out.”
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